The Riders

The Riders
The end at Yorktown

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Planning on my 69th Birthday

Who would 'a thunk it.  A cross country bike ride at our ages and here I am planning on by birthday. Those included in the "our" are Dave Gabrielse, Pete Dykema, and Gary Nederveld, and me Phil - retirees all.  People ask me "Why?!" all the time.  My answer is BUCKET LIST.  Just once before we die we want to do something outside our comfort zone.  Thus I have titled this ride and blog: BUCKET LIST CROSS COUNTRY BIKE TOUR.

We leave Grand Rapids June 1 and return ..... when we get back, no later than the third week of August.  We will drive to Lincoln NB the first day, Colorado Springs the second. Then we will drop down to Pueblo and drive the opposite direction of the bike route out to San Francisco.  We dip our back tires in the Pacific at the Golden Gate Bridge and our front tires in the Atlantic at Yorktown VA in August sometime. We intend to camp most nights except then it's hot, cold, snowing, raining, or no camp ground is available.  Ya, we intend to cook too.

So I intend to keep a log of our route, mileage, adventures, mis-adventures and observations here. I am doing it mostly for myself, but you are welcome to read along. Please pray along with us for safety and good health.